Declaration of love under the rising suns
Published on 2023-05-06 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Analysis, Painting
Declaration of love under the rising suns flying at such a speed
that in places little crisp bits of Namur humor
from the Napoleonic era fall out from them.
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Original acrylic painting on linen canvas
Artwork size : 24.02 x 19.69” / 61 x 50 cm
© Gallery of painter Eric Bourdon
Lille, France, 2022
The painting titled “Declaration of love under the rising suns flying at such a speed that in places little crisp bits of Namur humor from the Napoleonic era fall out from them” by Eric Bourdon does not aim at the visible, but it makes us feel our life where it experiences itself, in the inner trial of its passion, its suffering, its love, its humor and its joy, shapes and colors being only fragments of life. The artistic work is phenomenologically identical to what constitutes the revealing power of our life since it draws its truth from the invisibility and the unsurpassable immanence of life.
The frock coat of the pope of Hautot-sur-Mer
Published on 2023-03-11 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Analysis, Painting
The frock coat of the pope of Hautot-sur-Mer
Original acrylic painting on linen canvas
Artwork size : 25.59 x 18.11” / 65 x 46 cm
© Gallery of painter Eric Bourdon
Lille, France, 2022
The aesthetic contemplation of the acrylic painting by French painter Eric Bourdon titled “The frock coat of the pope of Hautot-sur-Mer” does not direct us towards the canvas or towards the figures which appear on it, but towards an entirely different landscape and entirely different realities which are the “represented realities”, “portrayed” or even “depicted” and which constitute, precisely, no longer the painting as an object of the world but the work of art in its aesthetic reality.
Siege of Bayonne by the Marquess of Wellington
Published on 2022-10-19 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Analysis, Painting
Siege of Bayonne by the army of the Marquess of Wellington.
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Original acrylic painting on linen canvas
Artwork size : 28.74 x 23.62” / 73 x 60 cm
© Gallery of painter Eric Bourdon
Lille, France, 2022
The acrylic painting on canvas by Eric Bourdon titled “Siege of Bayonne by the army of the Marquess of Wellington” reexamines the strange and peremptory statement of Maurice Merleau-Ponty : “The painter lives in fascination”. If the painter lives in fascination, it is because his gaze is that of who sees as much as of who is seen. What is at stake here is the very question of our presence in the world, a presence threatened and besieged by Marquesses of Wellington of all kinds. An essential question that has its place in the hollow of this fascination which is the irreducible mode of existence of the painter in front of his canvas. The siege of Bayonne calls not so much for a neo-romantic exaltation of pictorial creativity as for an ontology of the natural world in which the layer of aesthesiological meaning that is elaborated thanks to our carnal complicity with the things would be fully explained.
Naos Art Vicat Symphonica in Zo major
Published on 2022-05-26 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Analysis, Painting
Naos Art Vicat Symphonica in Zo major with accompaniment in Ga minor at the piano bar without piano by a magpie-tailed bunny on a score of monothematic essence to which changing moods and tempos give a rhapsodic allure with a tropical scent.
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Original acrylic painting on linen canvas
Size : 25.59 x 18.11” / 65 x 46 cm
© Gallery of painter Eric Bourdon
Lille, France, 2021
Eric Bourdon’s acrylic painting on canvas titled “Naos Art Vicat Symphonica in Zo major” expresses the ineffable which must absolutely find expression in one medium or another and which, in fact, can only do so in art, since it is established that doing metaphysics, ethics and aesthetics in ordinary language produces only nonsense.
Zoroid turnamble in ornupital herpinaceae
Published on 2021-12-20 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Analysis, Painting
Zoroid turnamble in ornupital herpinaceae
Original acrylic painting on linen canvas
Size : 28.74 x 23.62” / 73 x 60 cm
© Gallery of painter Eric Bourdon
Lille, France, 2021
Eric Bourdon’s acrylic painting on canvas titled “Zoroid turnamble in ornupital herpinaceae” reaffirms a certain interest in the role that aesthetic properties could play in art today. Openly rejecting the aesthetic approach to art on the grounds that it would be morally and politically regressive, obscure postmodern theorists with prominent double chins and thick faces harbored in small, shameful but heavily hydrated meetings the reactionary hope of returning to art its ideological dimension of yesteryear.
Normandy landscape with a small sunny stream.
Published on 2021-09-09 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Analysis, Painting
Normandy landscape with a small sunny stream.
Original acrylic painting on linen canvas
Artwork size : 31.89 x 25.59” / 81 x 65 cm

© Online art gallery of painter Eric Bourdon
Lille, France, 2021
The painting “Normandy landscape with a small sunny stream” shows, in a sensible manner, different ways of representing, staging the body, nature and matter. But from a more conceptual perspective, the painting is equally guided by the question of Jacques Derrida’s deconstructionist aesthetic scheme and acts as a postmodern reverse of the setting (raising a radical suspicion about structured language and functionalist and descriptive approaches to traditional hermeneutics).
Pan-chromatic plastic emulsion…
Published on 2021-04-17 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Analysis, Painting
Pan-chromatic plastic emulsion
with jubilant pigmentary hydroflures from Agadir Nymphaea
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Original acrylic painting on linen canvas
Artwork size : 31.89 x 25.59” / 81 x 65 cm
© Online art gallery of painter Eric Bourdon
Lille, France, 2020
Such a title immediately sends us back faster than one would think to the history of Marxism and the thorny debate on the inability to fully account, in the aesthetics of pigment emulsion, of the specificity of dynamic fluctuations of meaning. The properties of pan- (even pro-) chromatic plastic emulsion force us today to revise our interpretation of the pigment classification recognized until then by specialists and chroniclers of jubilant sciences.
Lazar Berman shopping at the art market in Oslo
Published on 2020-06-18 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Analysis, Painting
Lazar Berman shopping at the art market in Oslo
while making satisfied little noises
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Original acrylic painting on extra strong drawing paper
with grain Carte d’Art 340g by Sennelier (D340)
Artwork size : 7.87 x 7.87” / 20 x 20 cm
© Online art gallery of painter Eric Bourdon
Lille, France, 2020
Drawings and paintings, musics and songs are made, and in their making embody unique meanings that transform our perception of space-time and sense of finitude. As Merleau-Ponty wrote in the Visible and the Invisible, “Essence and existence, the imaginary and the real, the visible and the invisible, painting blurs all our categories in unfolding its oneiric universe of carnal essences, of efficient resemblances, and of silent significations”. Soviet Russian classical pianist Lazar Naumovich Berman was a thrilling interpreter of Liszt and Rachmaninoff and a late representative of the grand school of Russian Romantic pianism, but has been virtually invisible on this issue.