The Oracle of the Mute Owl – WIP-15
Published on 2018-02-26 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Painting, Work in progress
Final version of the 15 days long painting improvisation, now that the eyes of the “owl” of Saturn have been painted, as well as three hairs on the head of the red squirrel of Mars (sorry for the mixture of genres). Not to mention a small signature and the good title.
Since it’s an improv, we could add more lines at random and continue, find new characters, another title… It’s not a finished work, rather an arbitrarily interrupted improvisation…
The owl’s head is twisted, so he can’t speak (or hoot). He gives his oracle in the visual form of a storm of colors that you just have to decipher, but that already seems to terrorize the too curious squirrels…
Photo © Éric Bourdon

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