Buy a painting by contemporary artist Eric Bourdon
Published on 2019-05-26 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Painting

You wish to buy an original painting by contemporary artist Eric Bourdon. A visit to an art gallery, usually seen as very “intimidating”, is fortunately not necessary. Today, the vast majority of sales of Eric Bourdon’s artworks are made through direct contact outside any gallery or painting exhibition.
Eric Bourdon’s website is not itself an online art selling site. For any information, and without commitment, contact the artist by email :
contact @ ericbourdon . com
Among the paintings on the site, the most recent artworks are the most likely to be available for sale. You will receive an answer as to the availability for sale and the price of the work as soon as possible. Any contact by email is confidential and you will not be sent any commercial and/or promotional messages thereafter.
Following this first contact, if the painting is available for sale and you wish to buy it, you will only have to define with the artist-painter himself the payment and shipping methods that suit you, for a custom-made, simple and fast transaction.
Ideally, if the distance allows it, a meeting can be organized to see the artwork “for real” before any purchase. In fact, the vast majority of buyers have seen their painting “in real life” before buying it, whether on exhibition or through direct contact. Whatever the work, it is often difficult – but not impossible – to have a true “crush” on a photo. Hence the difficulty of fine art online shops to truly thrive : art is REAL…!
To get an idea of the prices, you can visit the webstores of contemporary painter Eric Bourdon : Saatchi and Artmajeur.
For simplicity, prices are proportional to the formats of the paintings. This may seem strange, but with a production of several hundred paintings, the most practical solution has imposed itself a long time ago…
Availability for sale and price of the paintings will be, in all cases, the first elements to be confirmed. Whether you wish to have an exchange with the artist or just some information about a painting that might interest you, Eric Bourdon will answer your questions with pleasure.

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