All the faces of Earth… Applied pareidolia

Published on 2013-12-14 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Pareidolia, Photo  

face tracking Earth


     “Onformative”, an independant studio for digital art and design located in Berlin, is tracking faces all over the surface of the Earth, using satellite photos provided by Google Maps. The process called pareidolia we use to detect meaning in vague visual stimuli (clouds, inkblots, but also everyday life data : familiar faces, known objects…) and usually implemented by the temporal lobes of the human brain, is partially managed by advanced face detection algorithm and face tracking library, pushing the automatic face tracking capabilities far beyond those of your digital camera…


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tea coffee painting eric bourdon


     Latest drawing ‘Tea or coffee ?’ inspired by a set of stethoscopes (my kind of ‘applied art’)…

     See the full story here : step-by-step creation.

     This artwork is an acrylic painting on linen canvas, 61x38cm (24,02″x14,96″).



Playing pareidolia with Freud…

Published on 2013-09-07 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Applied art, Painting, Pareidolia  

Sigmund Freud vulture


     This is the shape of a vulture that Sigmund Freud, playing “pareidolia” without knowing it, found in Leonardo da Vinci’s oil painting “The Virgin and Child with St. Anne” (1503-1519).

     This vulture, that Sigmund Freud guessed was hidden in the folds of the garment of the Virgin, was the center of his speculations about Leonardo da Vinci’s alleged homosexuality and views on women in his book Leonardo da Vinci and a memory of his childhood (1910).

     If the vulture revealed anything, it was only about Freud’s personal obsessions. I’ve just found some other interesting shapes, highlighted in my latest work “Sigmund Freud and a memory of his elephants”. You will see just a few of them, solutions are innumerable…!



final eric bourdon


     …or almost it. What else ? Varnishing, title, photos, gripping structure, pictures on the website, exhibiting… among many other things… Soon !


It is not the end; it is not even the beginning of the end; but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. (W. Churchill)


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Photo © Eric Bourdon





     A triangle player, 2 guitarists, a drummer, an accordionist, a singer… All kinds of musicians everywhere with their fans, or amazed spectators… Then you can imagine what kind of story it could be… perhaps a musical American Idol-like contest ?


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Photo © Eric Bourdon



festival colors eric bourdon


     Big festival, whatever kind it is, the World Music Day or the Hindu Festival of Colors (‘Holi’)…


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Photo © Eric Bourdon



Day 15… New creative episode !

Published on 2013-07-30 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Painting, Work in progress  

tree eric bourdon episode 15


A big tree to support the big band !…
This new creative episode is the 15th day
of painting this great canvas !…


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Photo © Eric Bourdon



eric bourdon new people


New people of today,
and something like a moon to enlighten them…

Follow the creation of this large painting on linen,
step by step !


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Photo © Eric Bourdon



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