Artists : how to get shows in art galleries worldwide ?
Published on 2015-07-07 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Analysis, Exhibitions
“No one is a prophet in their own land” is a well known popular expression. As an artist struggling to exhibit your work, you could also think “No one is an artist in their own land”. Alan Bamberger defends an opposite – or maybe complementary – view :
Many artists believe that all they have to do to get known is to show their art in major national or international art centers, and somehow some way, collectors will discover and appreciate it immediately. Continuing with this magical thinking, they fantasize that the exposure will result in instant recognition, a steady stream of sales, and the beginning of a great career. Why do they think this? It’s kind of a “grass is greener on the other side” mindset, often having to do with the mistaken belief that their art is not in front of the “right audience”, and that the only reason they haven’t been selling is that there’s not much of an art scene in their hometowns or wherever they happen to live, and that hardly anybody who lives there buys art. But the truth is that people do buy art, they buy it everywhere, and the hometown does count, so let’s take a look at the reality of the matter.
Full article here :
Artists : How to Get Shows at Galleries in Major World Art Centers