La Linea – Osvaldo Cavandoli

Published on 2011-09-24 by Eric Bourdon | Comment (2)
Category(ies) : Drawing  

   La Linea (“The Line”) is the character created by Italian cartoonist Osvaldo Cavandoli in the 70s.

    La Linea remains the best example of how emotional a simple line can be ! And most of all it is a model of efficiency and simplicity for all sketch artists, beginners or experienced.


La Linea - Osvaldo Cavandoli 1


     When Osvaldo Cavandoli (1920-2007) developed his interest in cartoons in 1943, he started working with Nino Pagot, who later created Calimero. In 1950 he started working independently as a director and a producer.


La Linea - Osvaldo Cavandoli 2


     Cavandoli (aka Cava) enjoyed worldwide recognition in the 1970s with his character La Linea, a simply drawn cartoon born and lived out of a single white pencil stroke. Massimo Lagostina, the owner of a popular brand of cookware, used La Linea for his advertising campaign. The accompanying narration of the first 8 episodes identified Mr. Linea as “Agostino Lagostina, a sharp little man with a truly expressive nose.” Lagostina became one of the first Italian companies to understand the importance of advertising.


Osvaldo Cavandoli Italian cartoonist


     La Linea was voiced by Carlo Bonomi in a mock version of Milanese that resembled gibberish as much as possible, giving the cartoon the possibility to be easily exported without dubbing. Following the success of the commercial, La Linea became the protagonist of a series of short animated cartoons subsequently adopted in many European countries. In Sweden, the character is known as Linus, in Hungary as Meno Mano and in Germany many have come to call him Lui, while to Canadians and South Africans he is known as Mister Line


See some episodes here on YouTube !



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    2 Comments so far

  1.      Cécile DONON

    J’ai fait une recherche afin de connaitre le créateur de ce personnage que j’ai connu, autrefois dessiné avec une voix mais un langage incompréhensible! J’ai trouvé des pages Wikipédia qui expliquent qui l’a créé, dessiné, qui fait la voix et que ce sont des onomatopées ce qui fait que même si on ne comprends pas ce qu’il dit on comprend lorsqu’il est content, mécontent, même une personne soude ou malentendante, peut comprendre ces animations. C’est le cas de mon époux, alors que j’ai une oreille absolue c’est difficile de partager une existence. Ce personnage permet un partage marrant. C’était la belle époque.

    •      Eric Bourdon

      Oui La Linea c’est de l’art universel, comme la peinture, ça ne dépend pas du langage, ce qui a permis de très bien exporter cette série. Mais je n’avais pas pensé aux malentendants, qui peuvent en profiter aussi… On n’imagine pas les conséquences positives à tous les niveaux de ce genre d’animation…!
      Merci pour le commentaire ;-)

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