Playing pareidolia with Freud…

Published on 2013-09-07 by Eric Bourdon | Comment
Category(ies) : Applied art, Painting, Pareidolia  

Sigmund Freud vulture


     This is the shape of a vulture that Sigmund Freud, playing “pareidolia” without knowing it, found in Leonardo da Vinci’s oil painting “The Virgin and Child with St. Anne” (1503-1519).

     This vulture, that Sigmund Freud guessed was hidden in the folds of the garment of the Virgin, was the center of his speculations about Leonardo da Vinci’s alleged homosexuality and views on women in his book Leonardo da Vinci and a memory of his childhood (1910).

     If the vulture revealed anything, it was only about Freud’s personal obsessions. I’ve just found some other interesting shapes, highlighted in my latest work “Sigmund Freud and a memory of his elephants”. You will see just a few of them, solutions are innumerable…!



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