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Eric Bourdon in the art magazine CIMAISE on Lille


Lille - Art magazine CIMAISE | Eric Bourdon on the website Eric Bourdon, French artist painter | Gallery, in the category Press. The painter Eric Bourdon in the contemporary art magazine CIMAISE. "Lille - All in abundance" by Samantha Deman. "Eric Bourdon receives me in his little sunny apartment [...] The time to have a coffee on terrace with Eric Bourdon and then we are in front of the Schèmes gallery which exhibits [...] the paintings of the young artist [...] the gallery has built up a collection of works by renowned artists [...] Jean-Claude Dailly and Bolek Budzyn."

Article in the contemporary art magazine CIMAISE  #291 (Sept-Nov 2008) - France




Eric Bourdon

Eric Bourdon (our photo) receives me in his little sunny apartment in the "rue de Lens" which he uses also as a studio. On the wall, some of his paintings, witnesses of his coloured and delirious universe. A world which originates in the naivety inherent in childhood, its peculiar language and imaginary. Unrepentantly curious, the young man does not hesitate to explore various fields of creation and expression : that of the painting and colours as that of the words – he published last year a first novel – or the body painting, extending through this experiment his research on the human body. This year, Eric Bourdon has exhibited in Tianjin, China, as well as in New York.


Galerie Schèmes

The time to have a coffee on terrace with Eric Bourdon and then we are in front of the Schèmes gallery which exhibits, among others, the paintings of the young artist. While he presents his new series to the master of the place, Didier Dewulf (our photo), I stroll among the works, allured by some mixing of genres. Here paintings and bronzes cohabit with furniture, fabrics and wood sculptures from India. Didier Dewulf joins me and explains that before he took over the gallery six years ago, he was (and still is) importer of Indian products. Schèmes, which has existed for more than thirty years, always defended figurative painting. With the passing of years, the gallery has built up a collection of works from renowned artists, among them Jean-Claude Dailly and Bolek Budzyn.

Samantha Deman

Eric Bourdon, Schèmes gallery, Lille, Art magazine CIMAISE
Eric Bourdon painter Lille art magazine Cimaise